Saturday, August 31, 2019
One Act Play
There is a card table, folding chairs, newspapers, trade magazines. TERESA is sitting on a folding chair at the desk , talking to JAKE, who is consulting THE JOB FINDER'S GUIDE and taking notes in a notebook from his briefcase. DEBBIE enters, looks around. TERESA I wear an extra sweater and a hat. That's what my mother did when she was a girl, during the Depression. The kitchen stove was their heat. (notices DEBBIE) Can we be of help, dear? DEBBIE Group's supposed to be at 10:30, isn't it? TERESA Yes, butââ¬â DEBBIE I'll wait. ( DEBBIE sits, takes out newspaper, begins reading. ) TERESA (to JAKE) How is Janet doing?JAKE Better. Takes her a couple weeks to bounce back from chemotherapy. But she's up and around, now. Cleaning out the kitchen drawers. TERESA And your boy? JAKE I told Park School I was going to have to pull Jason out of there. (sits) They came up with a scholarship. TERESA (pats JAKE's shoulder) Well, now. That's good news. JAKE Is it? Jason's grades are dropping. He 's out too late, comes back with bullshit ââ¬âsorry. You'd think that being out of work I'd have time to ride herd on him, but with hustling a job and taking care of Janetââ¬â. TERESA A boy that age can be a real pill. Especially at a time of crisis.JAKE You're telling me this is normal? TERESA I saw it my boys. There's stress, and a boy feels he ought to be pitching in to help. But there isn't much he can do, really, is there? JAKE He can at least not add to our worries! TERESA That's true, but at his ageââ¬â . Probably the guilt is driving him wild. JAKE School's Jason's job. Seems to me it's that simple. DEBBIE Maybe your kid's just not the kind who can block out the real world. JAKE (rises, turns to DEBBIE) Seems to me a person can at least try! (pause. DEBBIE hides behind newspaper) TERESA ( brings JAKE back) It was a real shame about that position in Nashua.JAKE Yeah. I thought they'dââ¬â. Butââ¬â. You know ââ¬âI could never mention this to Janet, it'd kill herââ¬â but I wonder. Can a personnel office find out about cancer? Go though medical files? TERESA Doctors' records are confidential. DEBBIE (lowers paper) Ha! Sure. And Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. (pause) Sorry. S'none of my business. JAKE Maybe it's my age. I'm fit, but ââ¬â do you think I should get a hairpiece? DEBBIE (laughs, loud. JAKE and TERESA look at her. She holds up the comic page) Dilbert. (they turn back) MERRIK (enters ) Good morning. JAKE (goes to Merrik) Hey, look, it's Merrik back!How's it going, big guy? MERRIK (shaking hands) Good. It's going good, praise the Lord. JAKE I thought you had a job. MERRIK I did. I mean, I do. Just taking longer than we figured. JAKE Georgia, wasn't it? MERRIK Right. Georgia for training, and then traveling between the territories. TERESA But your wife's careerââ¬â. MERRIK Secretarial stuff. A woman can do that anywhere. DEBBIE Anywhere there's a job. MERRIK There's secretarial in Georgia. Alice says, ââ¬Å "At $5. 15 an hour? â⬠But money goes farther down there. No oil bills, housing's less than half. â⬠¦ JAKE I'd say, sell while you can!This market is so overpricedââ¬â MERRIK Alice says the company will fold: a job that can be done cheap in Georgia will be done even cheaper in Pakistan or Prague. JAKE Well, if you do put your house on the market, give me first shot at the listing, will you? (KIM enters, stands silently) MERRIK You're still part time at real estate? JAKE Me and everybody else who's run out their unemployment. KIM Is this Bright Horizons? DEBBIE That's what they call it. KIM I had trouble findingââ¬â TERESA Don't worry, you're not late. DEBBIE You are, but the Counselor's later. MERRIK What's going on? crosses to phone) When I called, the overnight message was still on the answering machine. (fusses w/ machine) TERESA Oh, dear. KIM What does that mean? TERESA People have had to give up their phones, sometimes, or they may even be homeless. Being able to use this answering service makes themââ¬â JAKE Seem normal. TERESA Employable. Able to return calls. MERRIK ââ¬Å"Executive Officesâ⬠, it says. After ten, and nobody's here? ( DEBBIE laughs) TERESA Can we reset it? JAKE How hard can it be? Half the unemployed people here used to be in high tech. TERESA If you can't change the message, at least turn it off.DEBBIE (unplugs machine) Off with the bullshit! (to MERRIK) Your Georgia job ââ¬â Did you get it through this office? MERRIK Not really- DEBBIE (goes back to her chair and paper) Now, how did I guess that? KIM How did you get it? MERRIK I heard about it from my cousin, a friend of hisââ¬â DEBBIE My Dad ââ¬Ë s cousin got him work in construction, once. In Jersey. He'd only get home about every third weekend. Meant he and Mom never had time to work things out. All they did was fight. TERESA That sounds so like my mother's stories of the Depression. When my grandfather went looking for odd jobs, weeks at a time â⬠¦..MERRIK The job's like auditing, but there's a sales aspect, too. First our team has to convince the company that we can save them money. JAKE Sales ability! Now, that doesn't surprise me, Merrik. I can see that in you. MERRIK You think so? I can do it, I have theââ¬â . JAKE 90% of any job is sales. KIM Is that really true? I'm terrible. Couldn't even sell girl scout cookies. JAKE Got to market your personality as well as your skills. MERRIK As soon as interest rates rise, real estate will be in the toiletââ¬â JAKE Depends on what market. I mean, it's not the class of people who can afford a couple million bucks who are hurting, is it?But those sales take time, those people are chooseyââ¬â MERRIK The Georgia job, I don't get paid until the adjustments come in. It can take 6 months, 9 monthsââ¬â I tell my wife, have faithââ¬â TERESA If you can be sureââ¬â MERRIK My kids are all the time after me, they want stay here where their friends are, but I tell them have faith. The church down there's strong, s'got real spirit. They'd make new friendsââ¬â KIM My brother was sent South for basic training. He said the people treated him like dirt. DEBBIE (reading, exclaims aloud) Jesus Christ! MERRIK Young lady! DEBBIE Sorry. I didn't mean ââ¬â this story, did you see it?Unemployed postal worker in St. Louis, shot up his boss and three carriers and a cop. At his house, he'd already killed his wife and kids. MERRIK Let me see. (takes newspaper) TERESA I heard about that. On the radio. JAKE There were a rash of these things 10, 12 years ago. DEBBIE During the last round of lay offs. MERRIK The Post Office must be hiring straight out of the loony bin. TERESA Veterans get extra points on the exam, so there may be a lot who are trained in firearms. MERRIK Combat flash back, you think? JAKE Post traumatic. DEBBIE Postal traumatic. MERRIK Well, they'd better weed out the crazies, and fast.DEBBIE Oh, the crazies are being weeded out. Along w ith the alcoholic, lazy, and the ones who can't put in enough overtime. MERRIK About time! DEBBIE Good thing they didn't start weeding till my uncle Adam took the pension. He'd have been mad crazy enough to get down his shotgun. course, he drank, some, and he was certainly slow. But neither rain nor snowââ¬â MERRIK Four days, for a letter from my wife! If the mail went privateââ¬â DEBBIE There'd be no mail on Saturday, carriers would be green carders getting $5. 15 an hourââ¬â KIM And no veteran's preference points? MERRIK What's your point?KIM My brother enlisted to get training for a good job. TERESA ââ¬Å"Be all you can beâ⬠? KIM I've thought about enlisting too. But Buddy lost the fingers off his right hand: what's he going to do when he gets out? He can't go back to meat cutting. MERRIK Don't expect the VA. They're shutting down, one by one. TERESA This office could find him something, dear. Helen's a lifesaver. DEBBIE Something ââ¬Å"Executiveâ⬠? TERESA Education. Retraining. This is a really good program, at least for young people. Oldsters like me, nobody wants to hire us whatever we can do. KIM They'd better find Buddy something. Cause he's so angry, he mightââ¬âMERRIK So it's OK to shoot people? If you lose your job? DEBBIE No, it's not OK. But I understand it. Don't you? At least a story like this one makes more sense to me than the crap that's in the business section: DOW up; GE announces more layoffs; the Technology Council wants more ââ¬Å"flexibilityâ⬠in the visa program, to meet the overseas competition Do they really think all these computer whizzes who used to make a hundred thou a year are going to go quietly into burger-flipping? KIM What else can they do? DEBBIE How many Luddites does it take to unscrew all the light bulbs? JAKE God knows there's a lot of frustration.MERRIK (to KIM) God knows, that's a true saying. If we cleanse our hearts, and trust Him, He answers our prayers. JAKE I've had bosses it wo uldn't break my heart to see bleed. But shoot his own kids? MERRIK Now, that makes sense, in a certain cock-eyed way. If a father's desperate enough to kill, but he loves his kids, how could he leave those kids to face it? I'm not saying he's thinking right, butââ¬â ! TERESA I wish Helen would get here. With two new clientsââ¬â DEBBIE I'm not new. This is lay off number 5. Or maybe 25, depending on how you count it. TERESA Temp jobs? I don't think those count. KIM They'd count for me!I can't find anything at all. TERESA Substituting, temping, you know from the start it's not going to last. JAKE Nothing lasts, these days. You got to plan ahead. Train or re-train. KIM Sure, train. But for what? DEBBIE Train, they told me. So now I'm in debt up to my ears for what it cost me to learn programming. JAKE Programming used to be hot. DEBBIE And now it's not. JAKE Still. In a downturn, that's the recommendation. Retrain, add new skills to your resume. DEBBIE Keep paying tuition. Dang le that ââ¬Å"good jobâ⬠carrot, the old donkey keeps plodding along. TERESA Education is a person's best investment.DEBBIE Oh? Where's it got you, lady? You just here to write a book? TERESA I never seemed to be in the right place at the right time. If I hadn't left teaching to raise my boys, I'd be retired on a pension by now. But as a substitute, Iââ¬â DEBBIE I started out in the tool shop, with my dad. $12. 50 an hour, 18 for overtime. After the 3rd layoff I took the Expert Advice. Went to college. Got my 2 year certificate. Officially qualified to do scut work for some creep in a suit at seven fifty an hour. Seven fifty! With which I'm supposed to buy all this fashion shit and ââ¬Å"look professionalâ⬠for Chrissake!But even in drag, all I could get was temp work. So then it's back to school for Programmingâ⬠¦. KIM I can't even get part time Walmart! I thought anybody could get that. TERESA As soon as Helen gets here she'll help you. She has a comprehensive list: openings, training programs, subsidies, scholarshipsâ⬠¦.. (phone rings) JAKE Should we answer it? DEBBIE Well, they can't leave a message, we unplugged the machine. MERRIK (answers) Executive offices. KIM (to TERESA) I hope you're right. This feels like it may be my last chance. DEBBIE Everybody's last chance. JAKE You're young, you're healthy.It's not the end of the world. MERRIK Yeah. I'll tell people. (hangs up) This office is closed. TERESA Oh, my dear God. Are you sure? This office? KIM Should we go to some other one? MERRIK Nobody knows. They've all been laid off, here. Budget's gone, the governor vetoed the restoration. JAKE That was Helen? TERESA But what will we do? MERRIK Leave, she says. And lock the door behind us. THE END home | bio | resume | blog | contact GL Horton monologues | one-act plays | full-length plays reviews | essays | links | videos Made on an by . ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬ââ â¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pillsbury Case Marketing
Mike Johnson Pillsbury Case Beth Gallant 1) What are the challenges that Ivan Guillen faces in his role as marketing manager of the RBG business? As marketing manager of the RBG business, Ivan Guillen must propose a solution to repair Pillsbury refrigerated baked goods (RGB)ââ¬â¢s business performance. Since the refrigerated-cookie product line consisted of 62% of RBGââ¬â¢s unit sales and over 75% of the companyââ¬â¢s profits, Guillen found it appropriate to alter this segment in the market.Proposing this idea to GMCC would require Guillen to consider all the challenges he faces. Guillen will have to discover a strategy to increase household penetration since it has fallen to 24% in the past few years. The lack in market penetration has caused a miniscule growth of only one percent in the past three years. In order for Guillen to increase the penetration percent, he will need to reevaluate the ââ¬Å"Kissesâ⬠commercial. The assessment of this advertisement revealed the lack of effectiveness for brand recognition and relevance. Introducing.Also, when reviewing the ââ¬Å"Purchase Drivers In Canada As Compared To The USâ⬠it is apparent that consumers are concerned with the quality of the dough, the flavors offered, and the amount of cookies offered. Either Guillen is going to need to draw up a marketing plan that addresses these issues are alter the cookie in some way. Lastly, Guillen will have to conduct marketing research to understand the difference between Canadian and US markets. The ââ¬Å"Kissesâ⬠commercial was adopted from the US and slightly changed for the Canadian market.Seeing as it failed to generate the projected annual growth of five to seven percent, there is a clear difference between the Canadian and US advertising markets. 2) What are consumer insights (in general)? What types of business challenges can benefit from consumer insights? How are these insights obtained? Consumer insight is when a marketer researches unid entified/unmet needs in the marketplace or a new/better way to satisfy an existing need. The job of the marketer is to analyze the information and capitalize on the identified need.There are two main types of research, quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research revolves around the measurement and analysis of relationships between variables. Random sampling techniques, like questionnaires and surveys, provide marketers with results that can be generalized to a larger population. Qualitative research, on the other hand, takes on a more understanding and conceptual approach. Through focus groups, marketers can gather an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior.The most common type of research used at GMCC are the focus groups. Focus groups are where a small group of people have a moderated discussion about a marketing-oriented issue. The group then summarizes its opinions and eventually comes to a solution they find fit. Summarizing all of the opinions of the focus groups c an aid in new product development, brand messaging, and promotional campaigns. Another type of marketing research GMCC uses are concept tests. Concept tests are commonly used to improve new product development and develop brand messaging.Concept tests provide an image of the product, pricing information, instructions, and key benefits to a consumer in verbal or visual form. The consumer then quantitatively evaluates the product by stating their degree of purchase intent. Lastly, GMCC also performs creative testing in order to evaluate the effectiveness of ads. When an add is put through the creative test, they are being judged on their purchase intent, relevance, and brand linkage scores. Having a powerful add that influences the consumer can significantly increase brand recognition.This ââ¬Å"Kissesâ⬠commercial that Pillsbury had launched in Canada did not meet its expectations due to the lack of creative testing. 3) Given the key learnings from the usage and attitude study on pp 6-7 of the case, what are the corresponding implications for what actions the team should take? (Format this into a chart of key learning, implication, action) Key Learning| Implication| Action| Scratch baking is the dominant method of baking cookies in Canada. In Canada, 56% bake only from scratch. In the US, use of refrigerated dough is the most popular baking method. The refrigerated dough market does not seem to have a strong presence in Canada. It seems as if people are either unaware of refrigerated dough or they just do not prefer it. | Either research how to make refrigerated dough more appealing to Canadian consumers or ignore the Canadian market and focus on the US market (since it has a stronger demand for refrigerated dough). | Top four purchase drivers are the same in both countries. Convenience and taste are at the top of both lists. The quality of the cookie dough is not valued as highly in Canada and kids have more of an influence in driving purchases. Clearly there is a big gap between the quality perception in Canada and the United States. Canadian consumers are implying that they want a higher quality product and a product that is more convenient for children. | Propose a marketing strategy that addresses the quality of the cookie or targets children. Since children have a stronger influence in Canadian markets than US markets, reaching out to them could increase brand recognition and sales. | Both users and lapsed users perceive refrigerated cookie dough as convenient.Lapsed agree that RBG cookies are convenient, but non-users do not rate them as convenient. | Lapsed and current users agree on convenience, leaving marketers to believe this is actually true. Non-users, however, are not receiving this message. Non-users in Canada are not as aware of the product as they should be. | Reaching out to non-users through ads and commercials can increase the convenience recognition for RBG cookies. If non-users considered the cookies convenien t they would be more likely to purchase them. | 4) Why did Guillen and his team conduct the in-home and discovery workshops?To find out what? Conducting a qualitative research was proposed in order to gain a better understanding of consumer perceptions, beliefs, and feelings towards RBG cookies. The usage and attitude study portrayed the differences between Canada and the United States, whereas this study will determine which aspects of the baking experience are most appealing to consumers. The ethnography study RBG conducted, In-home Immersions, sought to gain an in-depth understanding of personal motivations and actions towards a particular product. RBG entered the homes of two lapsed users and wo brand champions while the consumers were baking the good. During the visit, the marketers hoped to develop an understanding of the consumer-brand relationship, what surrounds it, the environment around it, and the bigger-picture influences. For example, RBG found out that when it came to feeding the family, the solutions had to be easy, quick, and pleasing to children. It also showed the sense of happiness that arises when baking occurs. Knowing this information could help propose the idea of implementing comfortable implications in future ads.The discovery workshop was similar to the ethnography study, except the study group consisted of 18-27 consumers working together. This comfortable environment allows consumers to discuss opportunities and criticize issues of the product. 6) What actions would you suggest that Guillen and his team take? a. What should their value proposition be? b. Which consumers should they target? Why? c. What should the brand messaging be? Guillen has numerous tough decisions ahead of him when proposing his new marketing strategy.However, Guillen conducted a multitudinous of studies to provide him some insight on what an appropriate solution would be. In terms of the product itself, there are many alterations that could be made. Children have more of an influence in Canadian markets than in US markets. Providing kid themed offerings could increase brand recognition and demand from children. Simple ideas such as adding famous cartoon characters or sports themes could sway a child to want RBG cookies. Also, adding new flavors/types of cookies could increase the width of customers.Providing healthier options, dietary restrictions (gluten free, low sodium), and new flavors would reach out to more consumers. Expanding new product development would also be benefit to brand recognition. Providing Pillsbury baking tools like cookie cutters, timers, oven mitts, and aprons would cause the experience of baking to be more enjoyable. Another recommendation to Guillen would be to re-new and strengthen relationships with consumers. In doing so, Guillen should stress the nostalgic and experiential aspect.Through the in-home study, it has been concluded that baking introduces a sense of happiness in the kitchen. Having this percepti on instilled in a consumers mind may persuade them to purchase the refrigerated dough for themselves or as a gift. Having a celebrity spokesperson influence consumers can have a positive impact as well. In previous commercials, RBG cookies solely relied on the Pillsbury doughboy. Although he is a very recognizable character, maybe the consumers do not find him as trustworthy as they would a celebrity.The celebrity could stress the easiness, convenience, and ââ¬Å"homemadeâ⬠feeling RBG cookies provide. In-store display and packaging also has a significant impact on the consumer. Having a brand portrayed in a positive way gives the consumer the feeling that he or she is making the right choice. Research showed that most purchases of refrigerated dough were out of impulse. Sales can simply increase by strategically placing the product to locations where consumers frequently buy on impulse. Increasing the visibility with the doughboy logo would have the consumers more likely thin king about the product.If the cookies are going to be strategically placed and visible, then they are going to need to have attractive packaging. Offering trial packages with three different flavors would also allow consumers to have the opportunity to try out new flavors. Offering different serving sizes and holiday themes also expands the horizon of consumer tastes and preferences. In the short run, investing in social media, advertisement, and a spokesperson is most beneficial action to take. It is a quick opportunity for consumers to be persuaded into purchasing the object.However, in the long run it would be most beneficial to introduce new product flavors and healthy and dietary restrictive options. By renewing and strengthening its relationship with existing and lapsed consumers, Pillsbury can increase household penetration. Changing the perception of the product in the minds of the consumer from food to family activity/gift can influence the non-users to sample the product. Lastly, acknowledging new 21st century dynamics of healthy lifestyles and smaller servings can appeal to new market segments and eventually increase sales.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Bernard Marx
Bernard is very inquisitive meaning he is curious about lots of things that h append in this society, like all the conditioning that people go through to make them idà ©e initial. On page 96 it states in the text, ââ¬Å"Through his discomfort Bernard eagerly listened. â⬠Bernard, who is trying to take a trip with Lenin Crowner to a savage reservation in New Mexico. Takes in his permit to the Director of Central London Hatchery and Condition Eng Centre. The director is kind of like the boss over all that happens in the conditioning p art of London.He notices where Bernard is going and started to tell him about the tit me that he went to the same reservation. His story about how he lost one of his many pa raters while hiking a mountain made Bernard uncomfortable but he was also intrigued ABA out the dangers that this place might hold. The Savage's lived very different and they were very Bishop 2 barbaric compared to how Bernard and the society he lived lived. Bernard WA .NET to hear or know what happened with the director at the reservation, he was very ANSI us to find out.Most people in this society aren't curious because they believe everything is perfect. Ir read on page 124, â⬠So hard for me to realize,â⬠Bernard was saying, ââ¬Å"to re construct. As though we were living on different planets, in different centuries. A mother , and all this dirt, and gods, and old age, and diseaseâ⬠¦ â⬠He shook his head ââ¬ËI It is almost inconceivable. I shall never understand, unless you explain. ââ¬Å". Bernard is talking g to John, the savage. While they are walking at the savage reservation Bernard is confuse seed about how differently John lives than himself.Bernard feels like it is very lodestone d and alienated in a way. He is curious about how or even why people like John live t hat way while they could be part of a much more efficient society. He has a hard time believing that they like living that way and dwells on John to have him explain their way of life. Another time that Bernard had an act of inquisitiveness is on page 117. ââ¬ËBe rand's questions made a diversion. Who? How? When? From where? â⬠Bernard and Enola are on the savage reservation. They just witnessed a whipping ceremony and a m an named John asks them if they were from the other land.Bernard wants to know how John knew hey were from the other land. He was curious about it and he was curious ABA out John himself. Another trait Bernard portrays throughout the story is that he is intellectual I or intelligent. On page 138 Bernard says ââ¬Å"l wonder if you'd like to come back to L Indo with us? â⬠John and Bernard are walking and talking in the savage reservation. In the Bishop 3 midst of them talking Bernard realizes that if he were to prove that John as the e director's son that the director might change his mind about sending Bernard to Iceland .He was using his intelligence to save him from leaving London. What the two men shar ed was the knowledge that they were individuals. â⬠read on page 67. The two men are Bernard Marx and Hellholes Watson. They both fee el like they don't fit in and are different than everyone else. Other people are too dumb t o realize that they don't live in a perfect society and the way they live is very barbaric and in humane. It takes intelligence to prove that you can be greater than the average citizen. On page 47 it says ââ¬Å"thought Bernard Marx, who was a specialist on hypo Eddie. Hypermedia or sleep teaching is a very complex way of operant conditioning Bernard Marx is the one who now's all the specifics about it. Which makes him have a higher intellectual level about how it works and what it is. Distinct is another trait that represents Bernard Marx. He is very different t Han everyone else, which makes him unique. On 149 director says ââ¬Å"by his heretical I views on sport and soma, by the scandalous unorthodoxy sessile, by his refusal to obey the teaching of Ou r Ford and behave out of office hour and just got back from his vacation and was told to see the director.The director, in front of a whole fertilizing or explained how Bernard was unfit to cooperate in the society that they live in, and that it why he has to go to Iceland. The way he behaves and his beliefs are very much h different than every other citizen. Bishop 4 On page 60 it says ââ¬Å"Bonito produced a phial ââ¬Å"one cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy. â⬠Bernard had suddenly turned and rushed away. â⬠Bernard and Bent o are talking about Lenin, and Bonito notices that Bernard is uncomfortable and offers hi m some soma. Bernard is against Soma because it takes away real feelings.Everyone else in the society likes to take soma because it makes them happy. Bernard is different t Han them because he likes to feel both bad and good emotions where other people just like to feel good. It stated on page 64, ââ¬Å"Barnyard's physique was hardly better than that of the a verage gamma. â⬠Bernard is an Alpha, which is the most perfect and sophistic dated out of all the five castes in the society. Almost every Alpha is the same height and ha s similar characteristics. Bernard stands 8 centimeters short of the Average Alpha height HTH and is more slender in proportion.
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Letter From Birmingham Jail - Essay Example 38). Kind does utilize rhetorical questions to persuade the readers (pg. 29). He addresses the issues at hand with a high degree of professionalism. He also utilizes comparisons as an indicator of the efforts the Negros had to pursue freedom (Eskew, pg. 45). He is courageous enough to expound that he does possess the qualifications to lead the rest of the populations in demonstrations. Concisely, he says that he is in Birmingham because of the immense injustices available, and he is ready to provide a solution to them. The letter introduction sets an acknowledgement tone rather than attack. Primarily, he utilizes the words such as ââ¬Å"My dear fellow clergymenâ⬠to initiate a sense of welcome and unison. He does not usher in an argument, but rather brings up a sense of understanding. Such an attack to the religious men could increase the chances of washing away the respect they had for him. He even compares himself to the prophets, such as Paul who was called to save the Macedonians. The daring Paul was not afraid to leave his small Tarsus village to spread the gospel of Jesus. In the form of allusion, he persuades the clergy that he is sent and having an intrinsic urge to preach the freedom gospel to the people of Birmingham until they are free from injustice. Immediately after he addresses the core reason for the letter, he goes ahead to address the clergymen, to counteract their claims and arguments in a logical manner (Birt, pg. 16). In a calm manner, he points out that the clergymen are not concerned with the conditions or issues leading the rising trends of demonstrations in Birmingham. Such utilization of logos does instills common sense among the clergymen. Kind adds insult to injury by saying that the demonstrations were inevitable. The Negro community could not react in any other way, other than demonstrating. The clergymen did claim that the demonstrators were breaking the laws through
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Summarize chapter 16 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summarize chapter 16 - Essay Example The wheels are made in two halves which need to be matched by manufacturer and part number. d. Air craft Tire Construction. Air craft tires are tubeless tires designed to with stand high speed along with static and dynamic loading. Unlike automobile aircraft tires fail under continuous operation. e. Tire Specification The specification details are mentioned on the side walls of tires and available in manufacturerââ¬â¢s data sheets. These include ply rating, load rating, speed rating, retread history etc. m. Coefficient of Friction. The stopping of aircraft on runway after application of brakes is the function of friction of tire and runway. The value used in all deceleration calculation is coefficient of friction which is the ratio between the force needed between the two surfaces to slide against each other and force holding them. The coefficient is measured from MU meter and diagonally brake
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Report on the Religious Life of Planet Earth Assignment - 1
Report on the Religious Life of Planet Earth - Assignment Example Or, generally speaking, is planet earth a religious planet? The physical universe displays evidence of a mathematical precision and order. This order is based on universal laws that govern the physical phenomena in the whole universe designed by an intelligent supreme authority, the Creator of all things. He ideally designed every part of these thousands of systems that cooperate with each other to keep His living creatures alive. For countless millions of years, the gravitational force of the sun has held all the planets in stable orbits. However, considering the possibility of manââ¬â¢s ruining or destroying the Earth by his own folly, the universal order that governs the whole universe might as well be disturbed thereby affecting our lives from other planets. Sadly, the current Earthââ¬â¢s rising temperature may pose alarming threats to this universal order as it already damaged the Earthââ¬â¢s ozone layer, which causes climate change. Concurrent climate change has resulted in destructive extreme weather which includes droughts, heavy precipitation, heat waves and hurricanes worldwide. An article reports that ââ¬Å"it is very possible that we could see more instances of ozone depletion in the coming year as greenhouse gases emissions continue, causing increased tropospheric heat and more stratospheric coolingâ⬠(Daniel & Byrd, 2011). According to human report, such catastrophes have taken place through excessive deforestation, uncontrolled pollution of the atmosphere and spoiling of the waterways. In fact, research of the University of East Anglia declares that ââ¬Å"Chinaââ¬â¢s groundwater irrigation system is responsible for polluting the atmosphere with more than 30 million tons of CO2 per yearâ⬠(Saini, n.d.), making China the largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. This is evidently one example of how human is ruining the Earthââ¬â¢s environment and ecosystem. But the big question is why do humans
Monday, August 26, 2019
Financial Managment worksheet 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial Managment worksheet 1 - Essay Example If a company can also cut down on the accounts receivable period and convert the accounts receivable into cash in a much faster time, the less cash it needs to maintain as it can meet its current obligations with the cash that comes from the collections. However, revising the credit policy will entail a cost, that is, the possible reduction in sales as customers are given shorter time to pay for their purchases. There has to be a balance then, as to what will be the new policy and the effect of it on sales. The cash conversion cycle is the sum of the inventory period, the accounts receivable period less the accounts payable period. Therefore, in order to improve working capital management, the company can do something with the inventory period, the accounts receivable period or sometimes with the accounts payable period. If a company cuts the production time and convert them into sales, the less cash the business needs in order to meet its obligations. Cash from operations is generated by selling inventories, then receiving cash, or receiving a promise to receive cash in the form of receivables. The cash generated from operation depends on how fast the firm converts inventory into cash, therefore using cash to pay for additional purchases in inventory, and help meet short-term obligations. By increasing the inventory turnover, the firm can have inventories converted into cash. However, there is also a cost to resorting to this option. This means that, in order for the firmââ¬â¢s inventory to be sold faster, it has to increase its efforts on marketing and promotion of its products, thus incurring additional expenses. By ensuring that sales come in faster, and inventories turned into cash are reinvested for additional purchases of inventory, the effort is on generating sales mostly with cash payment. In order to match short-term needs with short-term sources of financing, another option can be to borrow for short-term.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Equity Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Equity Theory - Essay Example Equity theory is useful to understand why people behave in a certain manner that satisfy their desires and how they relate to these achievements. It is based on the simple belief that every employee in the organization wants to be treated fairly in relation to others. Here, the two aspects, i.e. ââ¬Ëfairnessââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ërelativity with othersââ¬â¢ vary among individuals; these perceptions are greatly influenced by sociocultural aspects to a great extent. Many management researches have indicated that managing people in the contemporary global organizations that consist of employees from different sociocultural backgrounds has been a great challenge. Motivational needs vary in different cultures, which makes the managersââ¬â¢ job even more difficult to motivate their people according to what the employees perceive as a source of their motivation. In such situations, managers can improve their awareness of their peopleââ¬â¢s motivational needs through better people c onnect and interpersonal relationship. Other than actual motivational needs of every individual, managers can strive to know the extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors of their people. In order to establish equity, organizations ensure goals and expectations are set, and reward schemes are made. All individuals will be rewarded in accordance with these policies and plans, which will cater to the extrinsic motivation. However, managers will have to make an effort to understand the intrinsic motivational factors for their people.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Locus of the Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 13750 words
The Locus of the Financial Crisis - Essay Example This study argues that a balanced strategy is superior to its unbalanced counterpart for a developing country like Thailand, where the domestic savings rate was quite high. In other words, a balance should be made between the various sectors of the economy: agriculture, manufacturing, service and information, between long and short-term goals, and between domestic and international economic climate in order to achieve sustainable growth. Although an unbalanced growth strategy may lead to a higher short-term growth rate by over-investing in directly productive activities (DPA) over social overhead capital (SOC) or otherwise, much of its success would depend on the external economic climate. Because an external climate may not be favourable to national development and often depends on political conditions elsewhere, policymakers of dependent capitalist countries should not rely on such an approach. Moreover, a low and sustainable growth rate appears to be better than a rapid but volati le one in terms of various development indexes such as income distribution and poverty alleviation. The only viable alternative to a balanced growth strategy for a national economy is the pursuance of a balanced growth approach by the global economy, because over-investment in a certain sector of a country can be supplemented by an under-investment by another country. This study argues that a balanced approach should be made across countries not only regarding economic growth but also regarding issues such as self-esteem, freedom, status, or title. For this kind of global co-operation to take place, a concerted effort will be needed from all quarters.Furthermore, the mainstream economic theories (monetarists/rational expectation) should be applied carefully because these theories consider speculation as a factor of stabilization.Ã
Friday, August 23, 2019
Interview an entrepreneur or small business owners Assignment
Interview an entrepreneur or small business owners - Assignment Example It integrates a comparison of my theoretical learning about entrepreneurship and the practical application of the theory in the business world. The reports reflects upon how entrepreneurs face failure initially and then they become successful. INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The entrepreneur I interviewed is a young cook, who has opened up her own business of made-to-order fancy cakes and pastries. At the age of 23 years, Maham Baber began her business inspired by a few fancy birthday cakes she observed. Being a food fanatic and her passion for cooking and baking, she decided to open up a small business of made-to-order fancy home sweets of all kinds. Before opening her new business she took a few essential basic baking courses of professional baking. Based in her home town of Lahore, Pakistan, her business has flourished immensely over the past two years of the company's existence. The name of her bakery is Fiesta: Designer Cakes n Pinatas. Currently she works solo in the preparation of or dered sweets. The product offering includes designer cakes, desserts and pinatas. Each of these categories are available in numerous flavours. Cakes are custom made mainly fondant cakes with designs according to the customers' requirements. Desserts include all kinds of sweets like cupcakes, brownies, eclairs, macaroons, fruit and carrot cakes, moose, caramel crunch and tiramisu. Recently Fiesta has introduced a new variant to the business named Oh Ohs, which are chocolate coated cream filled rolls. The company takes orders through a Facebook page. Since itââ¬â¢s a young organization, it does not have a proper website as yet. However, the company works professionally as the orders are taken a week earlier and delivered to customers on the deadline. Sometimes the orders are picked by customers themselves from the owner's residence. At the inception of the business, the entrepreneur had to face certain challenges. For the initial few months, her business was running at a loss since at the time the demand for such fancy products was minimal. The product used to prepare the cakes were expensive as at times imported products were used which are usually expensive. She practically created the demand for designer cakes and other such sweets which took her more than an year. Moreover, her only communication was through Facebook which meant initially she was unable to reach her potential customer base. Also, since she took only a few courses in the beginning before starting, she had some cake and sweet disasters in the beginning which increased her cost immensely. One other main challenge was to convince customers to try out her product. This required good marketing skills which she lacked and hence gaining loyal customers was an extremely difficult phase for the entrepreneur. ANALYSIS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARACTERISTICS As an entrepreneur, there are numerous characteristics which she embodies in her work and these entrepreneurial characteristics are the key to her im mense success in just two years of the business operations. However, her working solo on the orders hinders her way of developing some of the most essential entrepreneurial characteristics. Like every successful entrepreneur, Fiesta's owner loves her work. Her passion for baking is what led her to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay Example for Free
Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay There are positive and negative stereotypes, which are general impressions about particular social groups or race. People judge and discriminate people, thus, failing to know the real attributes or character of the stereotyped group. Negative stereotypes, like Asian women, are aggressive sexual beings. These result in a negative image, pressures in conformity, and cross-cultural misinterpretations of issues (2008). Western films and literature promoted the above mentioned image of Asian women, portrayed as ââ¬Å"Geishasâ⬠, war brides, or even prostitutes. This portrayal as sex objects has adversely affected the womens image even if they are raised by decent and rich families. These women have also attended prestigious schools, with a slim chance of receiving equal treatment with the Western women. Asian women are perceived as mail-order brides and objects of pornography. In addition to this, the stereotype has been gaining grounds due to the widespread pornography, especially through the internet. This exploitation of women has contributed to the demeaning of the womens status in society. Movies present women in a manner wherein the Caucasians overpower the Asians. These portrayals continue to degrade the intellectual capabilities of Asian women. They are considered as mere sexual beings even if the majority lived decent lives, acquiring higher education in prestigious schools. They even adapted Western influences through their academic and social environments. These negative stereotypes resulted in associating Asian women as sexual objects. Such developed into a continuous struggle for Asian women to redeem themselves. These women, unknown to many, have surpassed the intellectual capabilities of other men their age. Others have unknowingly contributed to the technological advances, and in the promotion of education in their country. No matter how hard these women try to fit in the competitive society, they are still perceived as inferior to Western people. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Definition of Stereotypesâ⬠. About. com: Race Relations. 24 March 2008. http://racerelations. about. com/od/stereotypesmentalmodels/g/stereotypes. htm ââ¬Å"Stereotypes of Asiansâ⬠. BookRags. 24 March 2008.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Body Paragraphs Essay Example for Free
Body Paragraphs Essay There have been thousands of studies done on the effects of television on children. Most of these studies have leaned toward the negative effects that television has on children. According to a study by the University of Michigan, even though television can have positive effects it can also affect the health, behavior and family life of children in negative ways. Also while studies have been done on the effects that television has on children under the age of two there has been no clear evidence on the effects. Some studies have shown that it may lead to learning and attention problems, but not the experts have agreed this is true. Children are seeing more and more violence on television every day. Even in G rated movies children are subject to violent acts. All we have to do is look at some of the Disney movies over the years. While Snow White was a positive upbeat person that was nice to everyone, she was still killed by the wicked witch. The movie the Lion King shows children how Scar plotted the death of Mufasa and it shows Simba coming back for revenge. Then you have cartoons like The Simpsons and Family Guy. These show play up the use of foul language, violence, and disrespecting everyone, especially your parents. The characters on these shows have become idols. Bart Simpson and Stewie have become idols to children. They talk like them and act like them. They think that when they are violent or they curse or when they disrespect their parents it is funny and something that they should do. An average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by the age of 18 ( This viewing of violent acts are desensitizing are children to violence. They are becoming less aware of violent acts or just donââ¬â¢t care that much when they happen right in front ofà them. There is a research report that was written in 2009 by Brad J. Bushman and Craig A. Anderson called ââ¬Å"Comfortably Numb The Desensitizing Effects of Violent Media on Helping Others. This research shows the how violence in movies and on television desensitizes people to violent acts or the plights of others around them. They are also their fear of the world is increased. They are seeing that not only the bad guys are violent but the good guys are extremely violent and that they get away with the violence. Children are not sure who they can trust or who is good. Some even see that by becoming the ââ¬Å"good guyâ⬠you can get away with more bad behavior. According to, TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, these same characters are reinforcing gender-role and racial stereotypes. I know that our doctor told my daughter to watch Teen Mom. This show may show the downsides to teen parenthood, in my opinion it has kids thinking it would be cool to have a child and then maybe they could get on television. I have spoken to several different people from my daughters parenting class and I have talked to my daughters Family First specialist. They have agreed that shows like these are not good models for teen moms. Yes, they may show the difficulties that these girls have but they also show these girls still having sex, disrespecting their parents and fighting. Also all have agreed that too much television and television that is not supervised can be harmful to children. According to children who spend too much time in front of the television are more likely to become overweight. Children are spending more time in front of the television which is making them less active. They do not go outside and play sports or socialize with other children. Children are more likely to constantly snack while watching television. These are not always healthy snacks. They are things like cookies and chips. They see the commercials for these and their minds tell them that they want them. By limiting the time that your children are watching television you will be able to help them become more active and more sociable. On the reverse side of this situation, though, is that some of the negativityà can be reduced as long as parents limit the amount of time that children spend in front of the television. It has been suggested that no more than 2-3 hours a day of television for older children and 1-2 hours of television for younger children. Also parents need to supervise and be aware of what their children are watching. Television can be a learning experience as long as parents take the time to talk to their children about what is being watched on television. Parents can also be a positive role model for their children by limiting the time they watch television. They need to watch more positive programs when they are watching television with their children. If there is something bad on the show they need to take the time to explain to their children the behavior that they saw on the television program was not appropriate and why it wasnââ¬â¢t appropriate.
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders | Analysis
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders | Analysis Our society gives us the right to live in a safe and secure community. But along with these rights, we have some responsibilities. We all have a responsibility towards our neighboursand we must treat them respectfully in the community. Also for the security and betterment of the society, the antisocialists should know that their behaviour will not be accepted and action will be taken against them if they continue with their behavior. Such behavior often includes aggression and hostility which often results in to physical or verbal abuse. They might refuse to follow the rules of a situation or disregard the power of a superior (Farrington Coid 2003). An ASBO (Anti Social Behavior Order) is specially designed for children 8-17 year olds whose existing behaviorshows signs of future offending activities. The community works together to stop this offending behavior through educational, diversionary activities and family support. The main aims of the community are to reduce the number of youngsters from entering the criminal system, to improve attendance of the identified groups at school and to minimize the factors that would help someone lead to an offensive behavior(Great Britain: National Audit Office 2006). The scale of the problem Of all the problems which most affect neighborhoods up and down the country, antisocial behavior has perhaps the maximum potential to affect the quality of community life. It has been very difficult to find accurate statistics on the nature and popularity of antisocial behaviour. There are some current methods such as self-report studies, victim surveys and data gathered through police, courts, fire service and other criminal justice agencies through which data on antisocial behaviour are gathered (McAtamney Morgan 2009). These sources of information are considered useful but they are restricted in their capability to provide a precise description of antisocial behavior. Such sources often involve incidents that are unrecorded since they are difficult to notice and do not get in contact with the courts.Further, it also depends upon the type of incident being examined. The more popular an incident is, the more people will fight against it. Also antisocial behaviours such as being rude and abusive are difficult to define and no agencies are responsible for collecting data on it. It is considered to be an important problem of the society since more and more people are getting involved in it. Such patterns are shown in early ages such as 13 to 14 years. At this age, antisocial acts include stealing something from someones house or getting involved in a fight with a classmate or been suspended from school. Such behaviors may lead to dangerous anti-social behaviors at a later age. Researches show that some of the antisocial acts are common such as cigarette use or skipping school and these acts might not have the possibility to lead to dangerous acts in the future (Melton Borough Council 2013). All of this is of course is not possible without the effective enforcement of ASBO by the court. People who are insistent on harassing the society should be punished accordingly. Those who continue to bring fear, distress and misery to local communities should not go unpunished. Sentences should reflect the seriousness of the crime and do so in a consistent manner. The police play an important role in this regard and could help improve quality of life of the community (Millie 2008). The rationale for making this a key concern after 1997: Now the question is, why was antisocial behavior made a key concern after 1997? As it is generally believed and also several studies have proved that if special attention is not given towards this matter it can lead to serious crimes. According to NACRO (2002), this theory is termed as contagion theory. This theory suggests that the presence of evil or destruction leads to more destruction or evil. Wilson and Kelling have termed this contagious effect as the broken window. As it is generally believed that a building with a broken window means that no one cares about the building so this will lead to more broken windows and this shows that breaking more windows does not really cost anything. Further, antisocial behavior can be costly for communities. It affects the stability of an areas market. It alsoaffects the success of local businesses and can be costly to repair. This repair can be in terms of financial and human resources. A proper record for the damages is not kept since there are limited sources for the collection of data. But acts such as neighbor nuisance, destruction of property and criminal damage can be estimated. Furthermore, antisocial behavior can affect the lives of the executors which would in return also affect their families. They can be excluded from school, expulsed from their homes and become involved with the criminal system (Spalding 2011) A discussion of the key initiatives undertaken to deal with this problem, starting with the 1997 Crime Disorder Act (ASBOs) and the subsequent development of this approach CR- ASBOs, dispersal orders, the Respect Agenda etc The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 was passed in December 1997 by both Houses; Commons and Lords and also received Royal Assent in 1998. A number of key issues were discussed in this Act, which include the introduction of Anti-Social Orders, Parenting Orders, Sex Offender Orders, increasing the Local Authority responsibilities for crime reduction etc. Here we will be discussing the main area of interest that isAnti-Social Behavior Orders (ASBOs)(UK Parliamanet Publications and records 2005). Anti-Social Behavior Orders: According to Part I of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the type of behavior that is generally thought of as being antisocial is raucous, irritating or intimidating behavior which often takes place in community areas.This kind of behavior can also pull out to sabotage and graffiti. Further this behavior includes dealing and buying drugs on the street, dumping rubbish and disposing of cars. Begging also comes under the anti-social umbrella. The Crime and Disorder Act was modified in to a civil remedy called the Anti-Social Behavior Orders or ASBOs in order to engage in with the government to tackle unacceptable activities that were impacting the quality of community life. According to the Act, any person who might have engaged in anti-social behavior is to be taken care of by the Magistrate or the Sheriff. As mentioned above, anti-social behavioris defined by the Actas a conduct which caused or was likely to cause alarm, harassment or distress to one or more persons not of the same ho usehold as him or herself and where an ASBO is seen as necessary to protect relevant persons from further anti-social acts by the defendant. An ASBO can include a ban from entering a specific area or talking to certain people according to different individuals it is made in respect for. Violation of an ASBO is considered a criminal offence and conviction may lead to a minimum of two, or a maximum of five years detention. Though most of the ASBOs are issued in respect of the types of behaviors pointed out earlier but there have been circumstances in where the ASBOs have been issued in more unusual situations. This has led to severe condemnation. For example, in February 2003, a 16-year-old boy was forbidden from showing his tattoos,in public anywhere in the country. In July 2003,an 87-year-old man received an order for being rude and sarcastic to his neighbors. He was the oldest recipient for an order. Further in December 2004, a man became the first farmer to become the recipient of an ASBO when he was ordered to keep his pigs and geese under control. This happened because the people living near his farm complained that his animals had escaped and caused damage to their properties (Clarke, 2003). It is an official implementation which carries the full force of legal execution. It was generally believed that ASBO is only used for adults but recently it has been discussed that it can be applied to any individual who is over the age of ten years. An ASBO needs a minimum time of two years to be placed and can be reviewed if your behavior has improved. It is only placed in an area where a certain anti-social behavior is reported. According to the UK government website young offenders can be fined up to 250-1000 pounds. You can also get a detention and training order (DTO) for up to 24 months whereas adults are fined up to 5000 pounds or five years of imprisonment or both (Farrington Coid, 2003). Anti-Social Behavior Orders may be used in several situations that pertain to ongoing anti-social behavior. ASBOs are used when someone has been warned several times and even then, social behavior is not improved. However, in many cases, there are solutions which are less severe and less strict than ASBOs, which will be different according to each situation. However, these ordersmay not be equally suitable in every situation. For example, if you have been in disagreement with your neighbors over who owns the boundary between your houses, but your neighbor hasnt shown any anti-social behavior, an ASBO would not be the right way to deal with this problem and the court probably would not grant one anyway. CR-ASBOs A CR-ASBO is a Criminal Anti-Social Behavior Order. It is a social or civil order;the main reason for its existence is to protect the community from anti-social behavior. It can be obtained much quicker than an ASBO. But they are not taken in to court until the criminal court is concluded.A Crasbo order is issued when a conviction is made on criminal proceedings. The parties responsible for serving an order are the Criminal Courts(Millie 2008). These orders are received by individuals who are convicted of criminal offence or anti-social behavior. This order describes the anti-social behavior in the crime for which they are condemned for. For example a Crasbo was received by Fred Bloggs which was placed by the CPS. It forbids him from entering Waterside in Stratford. Another reason for the existence of Crasbo is to encourage local people to become enthusiastically involved in reporting crime and anti-social behavior which would in return help to put together and shelter the community(Millie 2008). The main difference between a CRASBO and an ASBO is that a Crasbo is receivedafter a criminal conviction is made. A Crasbo is unique to all cases. The convicted will have a set of prohibitions unique to his case to thwart anti-social behavior from re-occurring and to guard the society from such acts. A Crasbo could result in banning the individual from any of the following:(Millie 2008). * Committing any anti-social acts * Connecting with certain people * Leaving home after a certain time * Entering defined areas in the community * Entering specified buildings, shopping areas etc Just like an ASBO, the breach of a Crasbo is also considered a criminal offence. And the maximum punishment is 5 years of imprisonment for adults. Dispersal Orders Section 30 of the Anti-Social Behavior Order provides local authorities to tackle anti-social behavior committed by groups of people. Such orders are placed on certain areas at different times. The areas could be as small or as large as necessary, as long as there is evidence of anti-social behavior there. If an area is under a dispersal order the police are allowed to separate or move groups of two or more people from that area. The police have been given authority to do this if they have a reason to believe that the group has or might harass, intimidate, alarm or distress any member of the public(Spalding 2011). The groups asked to be dispersed by the police wont be allowed to reunite in that area in the next twenty four hours. If someone violates the order, it will be regarded as criminal offence and could result in a fine of up to à £5,000 or custody for up to three months. A senior police officer makes the decision about the order and this order can be placed on an area for up to six months. The validity period expires after six months but a new order can be put in place if there were enough reports regarding groups causing criminal behavior(Spalding 2011). Respect Agenda Tony Blair launched the Respect Agenda in United Kingdom in 2005. The basic aim of this agenda was to help central government, local agencies and citizens to work together in an effective manner to tackle the problems caused by anti-social behavior. Till now the most common recipients of the ASBOs are young people. These young people are often considered a nuisance to the community by bad behavior problems such as drinking, minor theft etc, due to which they are banned from certain areas for specific periods of time. A report by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JSF) discusses three main reasons as to why these young people or even adults behave anti-socially. The first reason was a decline in moral standards and family values. Secondly, there are some families that have become disengaged from the society. Thirdly, that these young people were always considered as kids and not given a chance to act like grownups (Clarke 2003). Neighborhood management is a new form of neighborhood renewal strategies. It also addresses the problems of anti-social behavior. It also focuses on community involvement; which benefits the community, brings the individuals closer and values them. Various community programs are held in order to empower the residents and keep them participated in such community acts. Strengths The main mechanisms that have been deployed to tackle anti-social behavior include the following strengths(Clarke 2003): * Improvement in the quality of life of the community. * Gives values to the residents and in result they actively participate in preventing anti-social activities. * The Respect Agenda specifically focuses on the youth by funding youth clubs and college sports teams etc * Peoples aspiration and expectation levels are raised. Weaknesses Since the introduction of the ASBO, debate has bounded it for several reasons(Clarke 2003). * Little restriction by courts on what can be termed as anti-social behavior. * Often lawful behavior is criminalized. * The penalties are open ended. * Effect of ASBOs on children and young people. Conclusion The antisocial behavior continues to be performed on adolescents. This is in opportune. Firstly, the agencies should work in partnership with other public bodies and community groups to ensure safer and stronger communities. This can be done by taking positive actions focused at the diminution of crime and disorder and humanizing the quality of life for everyone. The young children should at least once be given warning letters or home visits when involved in anti-social acts because a lot of young people have been taken in to custody who do not deserve to be there. The Dispersal Order should ensure that the restrictions and powers of the Order are well publicized to everyone, including the young people and their parents. The Respect Agenda must not only be focused on young people but should look at a broader perspective. It should create a balance in the relationships that exist between young and old to create the respect element. It should be linked to broader policy making even at the local community level (Clarke 2003). The government published a paper regarding the abolishment of ASBOs and some other court orders. These would be replaced by CBO and CPI. CBO is Criminal Behavior Order and would focus on criminal conviction in stead of the CR-ASBO, whereas CPI is Crime Prevention Injunction responsible for other cases, where someone is not convicted. The white paper says that most of the feedback regarding this new system is positive, whereas some were concerned about the funding. This new system simplifies the much complex old system and is majorly accepted by the public.Both of these unlike ASBOs need to have optimistic necessities as well as exclusions. The breach of a CBO is a criminal offence followed by a maximum prison sentence of five years. However, breach of a CPI would result in ridicule of court for which the penalty can be either a heavy fine or two years in prison(McAtamney Morgan 2009). The government has also issued Designated Public Place Orders which pose a restriction on public drinking because of the nuisances that have been experienced earlier. This Order can limit to certain areas over specific time periods. The police will have the power to regulate the consumption of alcohol in a certain area. Previously the government made a large amount of information regarding the problems people faced in the anti-social behavior area. All this information was available online.In May 2008, the government produced an Anti-social behavior guide, which gave information on a range of remedies. Although this information is still available on the archived versions of the Home Office, yet it has not been updated.The present Government has recently issued a White Paper promising to replace 19 of the orders to just six (UK Parliamanet Publications and records 2005).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Changing Face of Education Essay example -- Teaching Education Phi
The Changing Face of Education America has shifted from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and is in the process of transcending into the computer age. Though the progression of technology has made life simpler for the average person in many respects, this convenience does have drawbacks. To illustrate, in the current informational age, much less manual labor is needed. Citizens having a quality education are essential in the workplace. In light of this, schools must make adjustments that help to prepare students with the type of knowledge and skills that will be required of them in todayââ¬â¢s job market. Capable and caring teachers are crucial in accomplishing this task. In times past, children were thought of as ââ¬Å"little adultsâ⬠and were treated as though they should be able to think and act on an adult level, impaired only by the physical limitations of being smaller and weaker. Rousseau was useful in establishing that children are not merely ââ¬Å"smaller adults,â⬠but are special citizens in need of special consideration. I agree with Rousseau in that childrenââ¬â¢s minds are not mature enough to allow them to think on an adult level, nor have they had the opportunity to experience and learn things that seem very basic to adults. As a future teacher, I identify well with the pragmatic philosophy, which applies democratic methods and encourages problem solving. Rewards of an intrinsic nature have drawn me to the teaching profession. These include imparting knowledge, seeing the students make connections, and making a difference in the lives of many. I am aware of a certain degree of unpredictability in the teaching profession, and I find this aspect appealing. Each day will be unique, with its own set ... enhanced. I plan to get to know my students; to encourage them while using their names, showing them that I recognize and value their individuality. I believe that educational reform is necessary to the effective schools movement. Also, the implementation of technology in the classroom is essential if students and teachers are to keep up with the advances of the world. Not only will exposure to such advances better enable students to function in an increasingly technical society, but also the equipment available may provide for an enhanced, more diverse curriculum. My role as an educator during these reform initiatives is simply to stay current and be informed. I plan to do this by continuing to take classes upon graduation, pursuing a masterââ¬â¢s degree. Through various means of professional development, I, as a teacher, will remain a lifelong learner.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Powerful Characterization in The Invisible Man :: Ralph Ellison, The Invisible Man
à à à à à à à à Ralph Ellison manages to develop a strong philosophy through characterization in the Invisible Man. Ellison portrays the lonely narrator's quest in struggling to search for his identity and an understanding of his times. The well development of the character lays out the foundation on the philosophy of finding and understanding himself. Through a labyrinth of corruption and deceit the narrator undergoes events that manage to enrich his experience and further contribute in his search for himself.à Such scenes include the battle royal scene, the college, Trueblood's visit, and the blueprint seller. à à à à à à The narrator at first never realizes his innocence. At first the timid Invisible Man is invited to attend his scholarship award ceremony. However with other Negroes he is rushed to the front of the ballroom where a stripper frightens them by dancing in nude. After staging the "battle royal" and attacking one another in response to the drunken shouts of the rich white folk, the boy is brought to give his prepared oration of gratitude to the white benefactors. An accidental remark to equality nearly ruins him, but the narrator manages to survive and is given a briefcase containing a scholarship to a Negro college. This acts a high peak in the narrator's quest since it sets him for his struggle in searching for himself. à à à à à à The narrator adores the college however is thrown out before long by its president, Dr.Bledsoe, the great educator and leader of his race. Ironically the narrator had seen Dr.Bledsoe as an idol aiming to gradually impersonate him. He was expelled for permitting, Mr.Norton , one of the college founders into the slave quarters and the Golden Day bar.à After that incident the Invisible Man goes through the sense that he is losing his identity. This initiates an air of confusion as the narrator is now brought in a quarrel against himself. à à à à à à In the prologue the Invisible Man quotes, "I was naà ¯ve...I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which only I could answer." The narrator is tempted to set out in the quest to search for his identity. The prologue identified the theme to the readers. It was however during Trueblood's visit that the character manages to learn about his true background and roots. It is through such people, of his true
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Abstract Expressionism Essay -- essays papers
abstract expressionism It was a full 170 years after Americans had their political revolution that they won an aesthetic revolution. American art to get rid of its inhibiting mechanisms- provincialism, over-dependence on European sources, and an indifferent public- and liberate itself into a quality and expressive force equal to, or exceeding that of art produced anywhere within the period. Few would argue that the painting and sculpture that emerged from the so-called New York School in the mid 1940s was the foremost artistic phenomenon of its time and was labeled as the Abstract Expressionist movement. Abstract expressionism was a reaction to social realism, surrealism, and primitive art in the 1940s; this is a turning point in American art history because it caused the rest of the art world to recognize New York as the new center of innovation. The movement synthesized three other previous art forms. Social Realists "socially grounded" activist art of the 1930s responded to the disaster of the economy in America and the rise of fascism abroad by working in socially conscience styles. "This art form was contaminated by the cliches of the Stalinist popular front" (American Visions p. 469). Abstract expressionists responded to these art forms by deriving their new style from personal experience and by embodying this in contemporary forms, instead of getting their ideas from politics. The influence of Surrealism in The Abstract Expressionist Movement was its stress on the power of the unconscience as the most fertile ground of imagery. The expressionists valued the Surrealist style because it revealed the action of the dreaming mind and valued the accidental and the involuntary: "It welcomed the image that rose unbidden from a chaos of marks" (Modern Art 3rd Ed, p. 265). It also valued the American surrealists' sense of m ission. Their belief that art and life was inseparable heartened American artists who felt marginal, ignored by other Americans and felt provincial with respect to Paris. The Abstract Expressionists also used "primitive" art as a way of cultural escape. They looked at tribal artifacts in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and believed it was disclosing one of the main buried roots of modernism. Cave paintings especially influenced many Abstract expressionists such as Pollock and Rothko. Aspects of cave... ... him to literally be in the painting, to move about within it and thus give equal emphasis to all parts. Although anticipated in Impressionism, this- the so-called "holistic" composition- was something new in modern art. The emergence of the Abstract Expressionist in America had a profound effect on the rest of the art world because it relocated the center of the art world from Paris to New York. Many factors caused America to be the new center of Creativity. Political and economical causes such as the Great Depression and world war II, as well as former artistic genres such as Surrealism, Social Realism, and primitive American art influenced the Abstract Expressionist new style. Bibliography: 1. Hunter, Sam and Jacobs, John. Modern Art, 3rd Edition. The Vendome Press, New York, 1992. 2. Hughes, Robert. American Visions. Alfred A. knopf, Inc., New York, 1997. 3. Mitchel, Corrine. The Life of Polock. Phaidon Press Limited, London, 1996. 4. Boston, Marsha. Art History and Studio Art Instructor, La Jolla Country Day School. 5. Romani, Frank. Art Historian, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 6.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Middle Eastern airline Emirates has appointed Chemistry
Middle Eastern airline Emirates has appointed Chemistry Communications to handle its direct marketing account. The agency replaces DDA and is tasked with developing customer management strategies, as well as other direct activities. Emirates has appointed VCCP and sales promotion agency Gasoline to its roster to work on as-yet unspecified projects. The appointment follows the Dubai airlineââ¬â¢s decision to hire Grey London to create a global advertising campaign for its business-class service. Emirates will offer daily non-stop flights between Los Angeles and Dubai on September 1.The new flight runs a distance of 8,339 miles, taking 16 hours and 35 minutes from Dubai to California; the duration of the return flight will be slightly shorter at just under 16 hours.Emirates currently flies twice daily to New York and once daily to Houston.à Emirates is to promote its new Dubai-Sao Paulo service through a digital campaign that will include the longest ad ever.à The advert will al so air on cable TV, allowing it to be recognised as the longest ever by Guinness World Records. Emirates has ended its management contract with Sri Lankan Airlines, fuelling speculation that it may sell its 43.6% stake in the Dubai-based carrier.Emirates has valued its share at $150 million, with Mr Clark saying its purchase would be one ââ¬Å"hell of an opportunityâ⬠for a regional carrierà The Emirates Group has posted a 23.5% rise in group net profits to à £500 million backed by a record à £424 million profit at its airline. The government-owned airline added 3 million passengers over the financial year ending 31 March, 2007.à During the 2006-07 financial year Emirates added 12 new Boeing 777-300ER aircraft and launched new services to Nagoya, Tunis, Bangalore and Beijing, while increasing frequency to existing destinations like Dusseldorf and ZurichEmirates Airline, the government-owned Dubai carrier, has reported a 29% increase in year-on-year net profit to AED1.2 b illion (à £171.6 million) for the fiscal first half ended 30 September 2006.à Passenger revenue rose 31% for the period, with the number of passengers increasing 20% to 8.39 million.à Emirates announced that it has launched service to 10 cities since January 2006, with its total network now standing at 87 destinations.Almost four months after its initial announcement that the new A380 superjumbo would suffer launch delays in June 2006, after which point several further postponements have been tabled, Airbus parent company EADS has issued a â⠬4.8 billion profit warning, more than double that mooted when the first problems occurred. The figure works against EADSââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"baseline planâ⬠for the period between 2006 and 2010, and will be recorded as a shortfall in operating profits.Separately, the A380ââ¬â¢s biggest advance order customer, Emirates, which has requested 45 of the total 159 ordered aircraft, has said that as a result of the latest delays, which put the A380ââ¬â¢s release at no earlier than August 2008, it is ââ¬Å"reviewing its options.â⬠On 25th October 1985, Emirates flew its first routes out of Dubai with just two aircraftââ¬âa leased Boeing 737 and Airbus 300 B4. Then as now, our goal was quality, not quantity, and in the years since taking those first small steps onto the regional travel scene, Emirates has evolved into a globally influential travel and tourism conglomerate known the world over for our commitment to the highest standards of quality in every aspect of our business.Though wholly owned by the Government of Dubai, Emirates has grown in scale and stature not through protectionism but through competitionââ¬âcompetition with the ever-growing number of international carriers that take advantage of Dubaiââ¬â¢s open-skies policy. Not only do we support that policy, but we see it as vital to maintaining our identity and our competitiveness. After making its initial start-up investment, the Govern ment of Dubaià saw fit to treat Emirates as a wholly independent business entity, and today we are thriving because of it. Our growth has never been lower than 20 per cent annually, and the airline has recorded an annual profit in every year since its third in operation.Continuing our explosive growth while continually striving to provide the best service in the industry is the secret of Emiratesââ¬â¢ success. The Emirates Group announced record net profits of Dhsà 3.5 billion (US$à 942 million) for the financial year ended 31st March 2007. The 28.8 per cent increase in profits versus the previous year speaksà of aà promising future of an airline we feel is greater than the sum of its many parts, which now include:à ·Ã à à à à à à à An award winning international cargo divisionà ·Ã à à à à à à à A full-fledged destination management and leisure divisionà ·Ã à à à à à à à An international ground-handlerà ·Ã à à à à à à à An airline IT developer.With a fleet of 113 aircraft, we currently fly toà over 100 destinations inà 62 countries around the world, and our network is expanding constantly. Nearlyà 800 Emirates flights depart Dubai each week on their way to destinations onà six continents. In fact, Emirates' flightsà account for nearly 40à per cent of all flight movements in and out of Dubai International Airport, and our aim is to increase this market-share to 70 per cent by 2010 without compromising our reputation for quality.à Toward this end, Emirates has made numerous significant announcements regarding the future of its already state-of-the-art fleet.In 2001, Emirates demonstrated its confidence in the industryââ¬â¢s future growth by announcing the largest order in aviation history, valued at US$15 billion. A staggering 58 new aircraft, a mix of Airbus and Boeing, were to join the rapidly expanding fleet.à In 2005, Emirates announced the largest-ever or der for the Boeing 777 family of aircraft ââ¬â 42 in all ââ¬â in a deal worth Dhs 35.7 billion (US$ 9.7 billion).At the 2006 Farnborough Air Show, Emirates signed a Heads of Agreement for 10 of Boeingââ¬â¢s new 747-8F aircraft, to be powered by General Electricââ¬â¢s GEnx jet engines, in a deal worth US$ 3.3 billion.à At the Dubai Airshow in November 2007, Emirates announced a historic civil aviation aircraft order when it signed contracts for a 120 Airbus A350s, 11 A380s, and 12 Boeing 777-300ERs, worth an estimated US$34.9 billion in list prices. The agreement with Airbus comprises firm orders for 50 A350-900s and 20 A350-1000s, plus 50 options for the A350-900s. The first A350 will be delivered to Emirates in 2014.Emirates also firmed up orders on the eight A380s for which it had signed letters of intent earlier this year, and placed firm orders for an additional three of the double-decker aircraft, bringing its total firm order for the A380s to 58.References:http s:// [Cited 14 March2008]â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..[Cited 14 March2008] [Cited 14 March2008] Stephen J. Porth (2003) Strategic Management: A cross- Functional Approach. Second edition Hamel, G. (2002). Leading the revolution: How to thrive in a turbulent time by making innovation a way of life
Friday, August 16, 2019
American Writers Essay
List of American Novels for Research Project English 11H Historical/War Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane Killer Angels, Michael Shaara A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway The Things They Carried, Tim Oââ¬â¢Brien Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier My Brother Sam is Dead, JL Collier African-American Beloved, Toni Morrison (mature themes) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou Native Son, James Baldwin The Color Purple, Alice Walker (mature themes) Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston Malcom X (autobiography- lengthy) A Lesson Before Dying, Ernest Gaines. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Ernest Gaines Go Tell it on the Mountain, James Baldwin Black Boy, Richard Wright (memoir) Dystopian/Futuristic/Science Fiction Enderââ¬â¢s Game, Orson Scott Card Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut Catch-22, Joseph Heller The Giver, Lois Lowry Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury Realism/Naturalism/Regionalism The Call of the Wild, Jack London White Fang, Jack London Oââ¬â¢Pioneers, Willa Cather My Antonia, Willa Cather Maggie, Girl of the Streets, Stephen Crane The Jungle, Upton Sinclair Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain Miscellaneous Modern/Contemporary novels The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd. The Natural, Bernard Malamud (baseball; Jewish myth) One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nest, Ken Kesey (set in a mental asylum) House on Mango Street, Sandy Cisneros Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan (Chinese-American culture) The Help, Kathryn Stockett (set in 1960s; about African-American maids in the South) Shoeless Joe, WP Kinsella (baseball) Franny and Zooey, by JD Salinger (from 1950ââ¬â¢s; If you have an interest in world philosophy or eastern religion, youââ¬â¢d probably like this. ) The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath (mature themes) Research Novel Lottery Preparation. Native American Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, Sherman Alexie Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, Sherman Alexie Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko Quest/Journey On the Road, Jack Kerouac The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway The Road, Cormac McCarthy Dark Romanticism The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne (set in Puritan New England; challenging) ark Roma nticis m he Scarlet Letter For our project, you will read one of the books on this list and (later) research the reasons this has become a significant member of the American literary canon. (What literary elements make it unique or powerful? What impact has this work had on our history or way of thinking? ) During our next class, we will conduct a lottery so that each student has a different title. To help insure that you end up with a title that you will enjoy, please spend 20-30 minutes choosing 4 titles from the list that you will be pleased to read and research. You ARE NOT allowed to read any book that you have previously read. I strongly suggest you do some Internet searches on various titles to examine what those books are all about, and to determine if their content might appeal to you. You also need to make sure ahead of time that your choices are okay with your parents. Remember, we will draw names and choose titles, so itââ¬â¢s highly likely you wonââ¬â¢t get your first choice. You may, in fact, want to come up with more than four choices! Four top choices: 1_________________________________________________________________________ 2_________________________________________________________________________ 3_________________________________________________________________________ 4_________________________________________________________________________ Please see side two for list of titlesââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â?
Comic Relief
Kaylee King Per. 2 Comic Relief Shakespeareââ¬â¢s element of comic relief in his plays provides more than just mere pieces of entertainment for the groundlings; it allows a break from the dense and sometimes evil continuity of the play. Comic scenes provide relief to the audience while building up the intensity from earlier scenes. Sometimes appearing out of place within the play, the scenes and characters are still significant roles in advancing the play. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet comic relief is supplied throughout the plot through the character of Polonius.Polonius, a foolish old man with a lot to say, is able to produce the amount of relief necessary to his audience. With his long speeches and pleasing manner, Polonius sets a certain tone towards the entirety of the play. Time and time again he gives the old ââ¬Å"when I was your age speechâ⬠and assumes the role of a parent to everyone, giving his unwanted and disregarded opinion. When a player about the death of P riam makes a deep and eloquent speech, Polonius interrupts by simply saying, ââ¬Å"This is too long. â⬠This being said was entirely ironic because of the long and seemingly pointless speeches that Polonius dishes out to anyone able to hear.Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of Polonius as a comic character is significant towards the overall tone of the play. The depressing and death filled play needs a comic way to show its tragic nature through a sort of dark humor. Hamletââ¬â¢s many remarks regarding death and old age towards Polonius is a prime example of this. Polonius being the foolish elderly man he is, provides an easy target for Hamlet so called ââ¬Ëhumor. ââ¬â¢ Jokes of murder and death, although humorous, provide an edge of darkness to the tone of Hamlet.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Great Poet Ali Akbat Dehkhoda English Literature Essay
However, one should non bury the fact that the outgrowth of newspapers and magazines in Iran opens a new way for political and literary arguments which were all led to societal consciousness of the populace and the upliftment of literary infinites. Like Romantic Poets such as Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth and John Keats, E'tesami experienced a short tragic life: A short period matrimony to her male parent ââ¬Ës cousin lasted merely 10 hebdomads, decease of her male parent, whom she attached excessively much, followed by her ain decease three old ages subsequently at the age of 30 four. Her sudden decease Shocked the whole state and was mourned by 1000s. Hence, Parvin ââ¬Ës short life did non interfere her great celebrity in which she has achieved among Iranians. The genius girl of E'tesam-al-Molk through his encouragement began her gustatory sensation in poesy since her early childhood at around age seven or eight. She composed some literary pieces which were translated from western texts by her male parent. Parvin ââ¬Ës poesy followed the Classical Persian tradition both in signifier and content. And the reformatory position of Modern Persian poets such as Nima Yushij, Sohrab Sepehri, which led to a great literary motion, remained unaffected or possibly denied by her. E'tesami published a â⬠Divan â⬠, a book of poesy, consisted of 156 verse forms in 1935, with an debut by the great poet and scholar Mohammad Taqi Bahar. After her decease, Abol Fathe E'tesami, her brother, published the 2nd edition of her book including 209 composings in the signifier of Ghazal, a love vocal like Lyric and assorted other signifiers of Iranian poesy like â⬠Qasideh â⬠, â⬠Qet'e â⬠which are all short pairs. They were all followed the didactic and philosophical manners of Sanai, Naser Khosrow or even Manuchehri in eleventh and 12th centuries. Her Divan gives small room for Ghazal, but harmonizing to Professor Heshmat Moayyed those few Ghazals of hers, including 5 verse forms entitled â⬠Arezooha â⬠[ Longings ] and â⬠Safar e Ashk â⬠[ Journey of a Tear ] are regarded as the best illustrations of lyric of all time written in Persian. Along with her Divan she versified 75 anecdotes, fabrications and fables. â⬠She is best known for her stamp, fable-like fragments written in traveling tones â⬠conveying her moralistic idealogy. However, E'tesami ââ¬Ës controversial poetic signifier, the â⬠Monazere â⬠[ Debate ] claimed the largest parts of her Divan. She composed 65 verse forms in Monazere manner. Moayyed stated that E'tesami ââ¬Ës Hagiographas were largely about â⬠work forces and adult females of different societal backgrounds, a wide-ranging array of animate beings, birds, flowers, trees, cosmic and natural elements, objects of day-to-day life, abstract constructs, all personified and typifying her wealth of thoughts. â⬠Influenced by Mysticism and Fatalism in some of her verse forms she talked of the doctrine of life as in here: The narrative of fate is madness and it ââ¬Ës non luck to fall from the roof and state it was destiny Acting is the best wing in the Eden of cognition in the land of being, art is the best wealth Search although your will is superior to believe Thrive although your way leads to the firedrake ââ¬Ës oral cavity Moayyed believed that through personification and symbol E'tesami visualized the immoralities of society and the loss of moral committedness. And through her Monazeres [ Debates ] she expressed her ain position about â⬠life, decease, societal justness, moralss, instruction and the supreme importance of cognition. â⬠Her formative old ages were spent in Tehran, the capital metropolis, where her household moved from Tabriz to Tehran for better life style and instruction. E'tesami ââ¬Ës formal schooling was in the American Girls College in Tehran, a celebrated school where she taught at that place for a piece instantly after her graduation. She was invited to go the Queen ââ¬Ës coach for the new Pahlavi tribunal, but she refused. She declined that invitation for she opposed Reza Shah for his indifference towards the atrociousnesss and developments done in her state. Alternatively, she joined the library of the Teacher Training College for several months. Mohammad Taqi Bahar and Parvin E'tesami are considered as the most famed classical poets have of all time risen since the 19th century. Bahar is known as the â⬠King of Poets â⬠who played a important function in the â⬠outgrowth and development of Iranian literature as a distinguishable genre â⬠in the beginning of the 20th century. His verse forms largely dealt with the socio-political facets of Iran. Other distinguished figures in classical poesy are Mirzadeh Eshghi, Aref Ghazvini and Shahriyar. Among all singular plants, â⬠Monazere â⬠[ argument ] revealed the extremum of her mastermind. Monazere is the argument between two objects or two individuals, where this technique revived by Parvin since Sasanid and Ghaznavid ââ¬Ës dynasties like Abu-al-gasem Ansari. She was besides influenced by the Greek and Gallic fabrications of Aesop and La Fontaine. E'tesami highlights the Arguments by conveying a â⬠thesis and a corresponding antithesis â⬠together with the conventional imagination and intense duologues and the concluding lines as her ain point of views. One of the most celebrated Arguments of hers called â⬠Mast Virginia Hoshyar â⬠[ The Drunk and the Sober ] won great esteem among Romantic poets, which was popularized as the best argument of all time written and regarded as the mirror of the societal and political background of the age. Her prowess is confined to portray the existent Dark place of high governments in the society including â⬠Judge â⬠, â⬠Governor â⬠, â⬠Sheriff â⬠and the mere â⬠Municipal â⬠, where the Municipal Police Officer caught a ââ¬ËDrunk but Aware Man ââ¬Ë in the center of the dark and decided to take him to the Judge ââ¬Ës house, the Governor ââ¬Ës castle or the Sheriff ââ¬Ës for enquiry or test, yet the Drunkard remarked that the Municipal should wait till dawn for the Judge is asleep and the governor must be hangover at that minute. In this verse form E'tesami by conveying a analogue between the Drunkard and the Sober pictured the instability of any higher societal ranks, where no 1 is in his proper topographic point or does his responsibility. Even when the Municipal suggested the Arrested Man to travel to â⬠Masjid â⬠[ Mosque ] till the twenty-four hours after, this chap claimed that Masjid is n't a inn for such a criminal like him. The Municipal ââ¬Ës demand for compensation or his apparels was rejected, because the hapless Drunk did n't even hold a penny or proper apparels to put himself free. E'stesami raised her inquiring and challenging of the system in her last line, when the Officer claimed that harmonizing to the Laws of the State, he should happen a Sober to flog the Drunk. In response the Drunk laughed calmly and stated: â⬠Bring a Sober, here no organic structure is sober â⬠The American College Parvin E'tesami became familiarity with the civilizations of the West. E'tesam-al-Molk took her to different parts of Iran and even foreign states like Europe and Iraq. Through these trips, Parvin gained the cognition he had gained over old ages of reading and interpreting Western civilizations and traditions which drew inspiration for her in organizing the chief subjects of her poesy such as humanitarianism, liberalism. The literary assemblages held in their house went around issues of Persian civilization and life style. They normally discussed over â⬠the Oppression of Reza Shah Pahlavi ââ¬Ës government, instruction, Women ââ¬Ës predicament and the jobs of the helot â⬠and Parvin was the lasting participants of these meetings. The impact of all these great figures is reflected in her poesy. The twenty old ages of creativeness from 1921 till her decease displayed an â⬠astonishing adulthood of idea and trade â⬠of this 20th century Persian poet. Throughout her poesy she ever looked for societal justness for the Masses, particularly Women. She brings out the predicament of adult females and their subjugations in verse forms like â⬠Iranian Women â⬠: Once a adult female in Iran was about non-Iranian. All she did was struggle through dark and distressful yearss. Her life she spent in isolation ; she died in isolation. What was she so if non a captive? None of all time lived centuries in darkness like her. None was sacrificed on the communion table of lip service like her. In the tribunals of justness no informant defended her. To the school of larning she was non admitted. All her life her prohibitionists for justness remained ignored. This subjugation occurred publically ; it was no secret. Many work forces appeared cloaked as her shepherd. Within each a wolf was concealing alternatively. Or in ââ¬Å" A Woman ââ¬Ës Topographic point â⬠:aÃâ à ¦..Plato and Socrates were great because the female parents Who nurtured them were themselves great. Loghman was succored by his female parent in the cradle Long earlier attending at school made him a philosopher. Whether heroes or mystics, abstainers or legal expert, They all were first students in her school. How can a kid with no female parent learn to love? A land with no swayer offers no safety and order. There is non adequate information about Parvin E'tesami ââ¬Ës personal life except a little book of essays and verse forms published on her first day of remembrance in 1944 in Tehran. Her familiarities claimed that she was an honest, straightforward but mild adult female. She had an eternal passion in larning and contending against the dictatorship of male monarchs and great sympathy towards the multitudes. She besides offered moral solutions related to the world of life. E'tesami ââ¬Ës differentiation was due to her word picture of â⬠spiritual truth, exalted humane constructs, plaint for poorness, favoritism â⬠and category consciousness. However, much of her plants were the acrimonious and rough unfavorable judgment of societal and political unfairness. In ââ¬Å" The Old Woman ââ¬Ës Lament â⬠she challenged the legitimacy of the authorities, in ââ¬Å" The Wretched â⬠she portrayed poorness and protested against societal spread between the rich and the hapless. Mostly her poesy has the colour of morality. The unexpected decease of E'tesam-al-Molk secluded her from the society for she afterwards lost touch with the literary circles which had ever encouraged her. Furthermore, possibly within the patriarchal mainstream of literary society, Parvin E'tesami had no agent or shelter in showing her plants. However, as a adult female poet she managed to set up her place in the literary infinite through her human-centered mentality.
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